Deftera Wenda Kürtçe Roman

Deftera Wenda Kürtçe Roman

₺14,00 ₺17,50 %20

Yazar: Roni War
Barkod: 9786054652129

Bilgi Kartı

Yayın Dili Türkçe
Basım Tarihi 2013
Sayfa Sayısı 88
Kapak Kağıdı 350 gr Mat Kuşe
İç Kağıt 70 gr Kitap Kağıdı
Boyutları 130x190 mm
Baskı Sayısı 1. BASKI
Ağırlık 1
Dibêjin rojekê zilamek bi hevsarê kerê xwe digre û tîne mazatê! Li mazatê mirov li zilêm û kerê wî vedihewin! Kî di paş kerê zilêm re dihere ker bi qertan diherê! Kî di paş kerê re derbas dibe ker bi zîtokan lê dixe! Kesên ku lê vehewiya ne ji xwedîyê kerê re dibêjin: -Heyran ma ew ê kî mala xwe xera bike û vî kerî bikire! Li ser vê gotina wan vedigerîne û dibêje: -Min kerê xwe ji bona firotinê neaniye! -Lê te ji bo çi ew aniye mezatê? - Ji bona ku hûn jî zanibin bê ez çi ji destê wî dikşînim min aniye!

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Shankar Subbaraman

30 December 2022 Verified Purchase

Need to recheck the weight at delivery point

Product quality is good. But, weight seemed less than 1kg. Since it is being sent in open package, there is a possibility of pilferage in between. FreshCart sends the veggies and fruits through sealed plastic covers and Barcode on the weight etc. .

Robert Thomas

29 December 2022 Verified Purchase

Need to recheck the weight at delivery point

Product quality is good. But, weight seemed less than 1kg. Since it is being sent in open package, there is a possibility of pilferage in between. FreshCart sends the veggies and fruits through sealed plastic covers and Barcode on the weight etc. .

Barbara Tay

28 December 2022 Unverified Purchase

Need to recheck the weight at delivery point

Everytime i ordered from fresh i got greenish yellow bananas just like i wanted so go for it , its happens very rare that u get over riped ones.

Sandra Langevin

8 December 2022 Unverified Purchase

Great product

Great product & package. Delivery can be expedited.

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